Video Essay: 2020 Revealed that Universal basic Income Cannot wait any longer
After reading Scott Santens’s latest essay for the great UBI organization FundForHumanity, I was inspired to create a full video essay that tried to put his words onto the screen. It’s definitely the most ambitious video I’ve ever attempted, and several hundred hours later, I’m really proud of how it came out. I hope it can be used as a tool to help explain UBI to others in an engaging and fun way, and I’m looking forward to making more videos like this!
2020 Revealed That Universal Basic Income Cannot Wait Any Longer: A Video Essay (YouTube)
Video: Reviewing ubi writer scott santens article “the bruce lee argument for ubi”
I’ve been a fan and supporter of UBI writer Scott Santens for years now, as he is constantly coming up with thought-provoking arguments and articles explaining UBI and its potential impact. I wanted to highlight a recent argument he made, inspired by actor and icon Bruce Lee, about how cash is the “liquid infrastructure” we so desperately need as we deal with the pandemic and economic devastation.
Basic Income Scott Santens Writes About “The Bruce Lee Argument For UBI” (YouTube)
Video: The board game that best describes a world with ubi (hint: not monopoly!)
I’ve been asked to help teach the idea of Basic Income to high school and middle school students, which is how I realized that an 80+ year old classic board game (and not the one you’re thinking of) is a powerful and fun way to explain what a world with Basic Income would look like!
The Game That Best Describes A World With Basic Income (Hint: NOT Monopoly!) (YouTube)
Video: How Dolly Parton Helped prove we all could use UBI
As a longtime advocate of UBI, I get asked all the time about how UBI would work and examples of it being successful. I decided it would be good to create a series of videos about the ways I like to explain UBI to others.
In this video, I explain how Dolly Parton got involved with helping her community recover from devastating wildfires, and how that work demonstrated how UBI can help all our communities as we start to deal with the direct effects of climate change.
How Dolly Parton accidentally proved that we could all use a Basic Income (YouTube)
“The Yang Gang PodcasT”
On episode 18 of “The Yang Gang Podcast” I chat with hosts Evan Shaub and Connor Maybon about speaking at the global advocacy UBI conference BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network), and the latest updates on the 2020 Presidential race.
The Yang Gang Podcast episode 18 (Apple Podcasts)
“A Life Economy” Podcast
On the inaugural episode of the podcast “A Life Economy” I speak with host Cosmo Scharf about how UBI helps build the kind of world we want to live in.
A Life Economy Episode 1 (Apple Podcasts or listen on desktop)
Speaking on the dan nowman show
On the Dan Nowman Show I talk about the need for UBI in order to better adapt to our transitioning economy.
Speaking at Andrew Yang Presidential rally
I had the privilege to speak and share my support for Andrew Yang at his presidential campaign rally in Los Angeles, as he advocates for a Universal Basic Income in the form of his “Freedom Dividend”.
Speaking at the Andrew Yang Campaign Rally in Los Angeles (Youtube)
“MIND AND MACHINE” youtube channel
I had a wide ranging discussion about Universal Basic Income on the “Mind & Machine” Podcast/YouTube channel with August Bradley. I explained some of the history of UBI, how it fits into today’s politics and economic challenges, and I addressed several of the most common criticisms of the idea.
UBI: Universal Basic Income? (YouTube)
the 12th annual peace conference
I spoke at the 12th Annual Peace Conference at Golden West College in California on the panel “Advanced Technology, Work, and Our Future”, sharing my thoughts on how Universal Basic Income will help transform how we define “work” and what the future of work will be.
Harvard Social Enterprise Conference
I participated on the panel “Universal Basic Income: What Is It Good For?” at the Harvard Social Enterprise Conference, arguing that UBI is a positive and necessary step in helping address our current societal challenges. I joined the stage with Michael Faye (Co-Founder of GiveDirectly), Arun Sundararajan (Professor at NYU Stern School of Business) and moderator Jason Furman (Economics Professor at Harvard).
Universal Basic Income: What Is It Good For? (Stitcher audio streaming)
SALON at LA Kitchen
I participated on a panel at the non-profit LA Kitchen, where we discussed how Universal Basic Income can be an innovative way to tackle poverty. Filmmakers Rennie Soga and Steve Borst also shared their experiences from making their UBI film "Inherent Good".
Universal Basic Income: New Solutions to Poverty Panel (Facebook Video)
I was interviewed on San Francisco's NPR station KALW 91.7FM's "Your Call" (along with professor and long-time UBI advocate Karl Widerquist) on how a Universal Basic Income would help build a new economic system. We also took live calls from interested listeners from across the city.
Your Call: Would A Universal Basic income Build A New Economic System? (KALW Website audio streaming)
This unique five minute animated video dives into the WHY and HOW of Basic Income, and looks back at the surprising history of UBI here in the United States (like how we almost passed a version of Basic Income in the 1970’s)
I had the opportunity to play a supporting role in the development of this project and am extremely proud of the results.
I was interviewed (along with writer and fellow UBI advocate Scott Santens) by Peter Joseph on his new podcast "In All Seriousness".
The whole program is a great discussion about Basic Income, but in case you want to check out some specific responses to certain questions:
2:50 — What does UBI represent to me?
9:30 — Realizing everyone's basic dignity with UBI
15:30 — “Technological advances causing unemployment” as a strong reason for UBI
22:45 — How to fund UBI
37:55 — Expanding the view of what “work” is
49:15 — Who doesn’t benefit from implementing UBI
1:02:20 — What policies do we need after UBI?
You can find the podcast on iTunes or Soundcloud.